25 March 2007

Hi, it's me

My name is Milo, and I will be eight months old in one week. I'm getting ready to go on a tour of the west coast of the US with my mommy and daddy, and I'll be posting from the road.

For today, here I am being distracted by the webcam so Mommy can cut my overgrown toenails:


Julian's Mom said...

Hey Milo, you're cute! xoxo-Natalie (and Natalie's mom)

Jene' Jackson said...

Hi Milo (and mommy). My mama has to bribe me with chocolate so I'll let her clip my finger and toe nails. Try that sometime soon; it works. Xavier (love from my mama, Jene')

Anonymous said...

Hi Milo, you're the best! I look forward to seeing and hearing about all your wonderful experiences. Hugs and kisses, Nana