27 March 2007

I like to eat

When I was younger, I made faces and threw my cookie to the floor, but I didn't know that I was throwing away something so good. Sunday afternoon I managed to consume most of the part of the cookie that I did not smear on my person. I love cookies so much. When I am old enough to marry, I could see myself marrying a cookie.

I would like to share other pictures with you, such as the pictures of me eating my first apple tonight (hey - I'm not strictly a junk food guy!), but I am confounded by the goofiness of Blogger importing my pictures of portrait orientation into landscape orientation - despite those pictures being perfectly upright in Mommy's iPhoto. If I could read, I could probably check the manual and fix it myself, but since I won't be able to do that for at least four or five more years, if any of you more technically-proficient babies (or parents) know how to correct this problem, I will favor you with many more fabulous photos of moi.


Anonymous said...

Is the title of this blog post in the theme of Moby's "I like to Score?" I hope not. You're too young for that. Look at that biter biscuit disappear!

Bad Egg said...

Cuuuute picture. Am I the only one, though, that gets sort of angsty at the mess when baby eats? I watch mine going to town and it's damned cute, but all I can think of is, "I'm gonna have to clean that up and it's not going to be easy."

As for the pictures, I don't even us blogger's photo function. I use tinypic.com or some other similar site and copy & paste the code it generates into my post text. Does that make sense?